Friday, January 6, 2012

Save your home or save your sanity

What seemed like a housing market downturn is now nearly universally, maybe the new normal. Many homeowners are taking a tough look at their mortgage situations in this stark light.
Do you wonder why you shouldn't just walk away from underwater homes and upside-down mortgages?  Have you explored your options?  Do you need help to find a graceful exit and permanent relief? You want to avoid unforeseen consequences that could cause future problems.
I almost never give an absolute answer to such an important question. The decision whether to walk away from your home is too big and too personal, and there are simply too many variables -- legal, financial, credit, tax, personal, lifestyle, family, etc. -- at play for me to give a glib black-and-white answer.  I am glad freely give real estate advice and help people make an informed decision.  Call Spencer at 415-690-0194 for real estate and mortgage information.
If you're trying to make this decision now, it absolutely behooves you to consult with a reputable real estate broker, mortgage broker, local attorney and local tax professional -- at minimum.

Here’s a good start

Here’s a good site for resources you can use

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