Thursday, January 5, 2012

Own a Home or Rent

Now it might actually be cheaper to own a home than to rent.

Mortgage rates hit record lows last month, falling below 4% for a 30-year-fixed!, and there are lots of homes on the market, it truly is a Buyer’s Market.

 If you live in the bay area and think you might be ready to commit to homeownership, this is exactly the right time to start getting serious about home ownership.

It can take months – even years – to save enough cash to buy a home, not to mention the time it takes today’s buyers to find and buy a home.
We can help with a very low down FHA loan or other options.

So, if you do decide to buy, you’d be wise to start your saving up and start looking now now to maximize your chances of getting into the market while home prices and interest rates are still relatively low.

You have the resources you need here to find and finance your new home and start building equity towards actual home ownership.  It’s one of the best investments in your future you can make now.

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