Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Great time to buy a home if...

If you are secure in your job or business and feel you have a reliable income and some good savings, retirement accounts and your finances are in order it's a great time to buy a home or income property.

As we all know, the economy won't recover without a move in housing and jobs, and Mr. Duncan from Fannie Mae noted that about a third of the US workforce is worried about job prospects - a factor that will keep refinancing activity muted due to the significant upfront cash outlay required to refinance a home loan. And as we all know, low rates can only help so much compared to the influence that underwriting standards and values have on the business. Mr. Duncan has said that the US housing market is just halfway through a 10-year recovery.

Financing home or investment purchase or refinancing a home can be done one of two ways.
Lender Paid or Borrower Paid.  For a slightly higher interest rate the lender can pay the closing costs associated with any real estate transaction.  This makes sense if you only plan to keep the property or loan for about 7 years or so.  If it's a long term plan then borrower paid closing costs will give you the lowest interest rate and payments for years to come.

Interest rates are at an all time low.  Historic Lows...
Now it the time to buy or refinance your property.
Let us pencil out your options and give you the info you need for your optimum result.  
Call Spencer at 415-690-0194 or visit us online at:

North Bay Realty & Loans

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