Thursday, November 8, 2012

San Francisco first in Real Estate outlook for 2013

Here's a great story found on SF Gate:

San Francisco was rated first for investment, development and home building in the 2013 "Emerging Trends in Real Estate" report by the Urban Land Institute and PwC. The report says: "In 2013, San Francisco steals the triple crown from Washington, D.C., receiving top billing in the Emerging Trends investment, development, and housing categories. 'San Francisco is driven by growth and a strong jobs outlook, led by technology and a structural change away from suburban and toward downtown.' Continued infill interest is supported by one of the best transit systems in the country and a city center with walkability that is number two only to New York City. 'This around-the-clock city has someone pushing paper, shopping, shipping, or sightseeing all the time.' ... According to 2013 forecasts from Moody’s, San Francisco’s GMP growth will reach 1.7 percent, and the city will add almost 50,000 jobs from the 2007 peak. This pair of growth indicators should open investors’ eyes even wider to this global city. Even though industrial diversity seems weak here, investors still savor its skilled personnel and the facts that high tech accounts for 10 percent of the city’s jobs and the young demographic represents over 15 percent of the population. Even with a questionable business climate at times, San Francisco has a mix that draws many corporations now and will draw them in the future."

Read more:

Also worthy of note are the good bargains and better homes of Marin.  It's an easy commute and
a stress free life with more open space.  Find out more at

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