Friday, July 13, 2012

Better Homes & Gardens in San Francisco

Record tight inventories are making it increasingly difficult for growing numbers of buyers,
homebuyers who are creating multiple-bid environments in markets that haven’t seen buyers
trying to outbid eachother on San Francisco Bay Area homes in six years.

It's still a great time to buy an home if you can find the one you want.  Find a buyer's agent
you like and trust, me, I only work with qualified buyers.  If we know what we're looking
for and are ready when it comes along we improve our chances.

The housing market has turned-at last. The U.S. finally has moved beyond attention-grabbing predictions from housing "experts" that housing is bottoming out.  That's great news for sellers.
We're here to help you find out what your property is worth and how to get the best results.

The numbers are now convincing all over America but this is especially true in San Francisco
and the Bay Area.  We have an exceptionally strong economy, a crazy rental market and
are experiencing leadership in today's creative businesses.  These are the jobs and the companies
that will keep San Francisco and Silicon Valley strong.

Here's the best source of information on the housing market.
It's the place to find home you want or the right buyer for the home you have.

Better Homes & Gardens

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